Sport North Introduces Team NWT You Can Play Video

Publication date: 
November 19th, 2016

Sport North is privileged to formally join the You Can Play movement, and is beyond grateful to the athletes, coaches, and officials who stepped up participate in our TEAM NWT You Can Play video – the first of its kind by a provincial or territorial sports organization in Canada!

You Can Play works to ensure the safety and inclusion of all in sports - including LGBTQ athletes, coaches, officials and fans.

You Can Play works to guarantee that athletes are given a fair opportunity to compete, judged only by what they contribute to their sport, or their team’s success.

You Can Play seeks to challenge the culture of locker rooms and spectator areas by focusing only on an athlete’s skill, work ethic and competitive spirit. 



What are our next steps - as an organization, parent, athlete, coach, official, administrator or coach? Here are some examples of what you can do to improve sport, improve inclusion and challenge the culture of locker rooms:

  • If you’re a parent – take pride on your child’s participation – they did an outstanding job, continue to be a strong role model and encourage your children to stand up for what’s right 
  • If you’re an athlete – be inviting, be welcoming - stand up for your teammates, interfere with homophobic behaviours and slurs. … be the best teammate you can be! If you’re a captain- take the YOU CAN PLAY Captain’s pledge. 
  • If you’re a coach – coach everyone with equal passion and inclusion. Consequence improper behaviour. Be a role model. 
  • If you’re an official – make the best call, interfere with unbecoming behavior, send a message 
  • Continue to encourage TSO commitment (i.e. Hockey’s ‘Pride Tape’ initiative) 
  • Assist to generate anti bullying/harassment clauses for by-laws adoption by TSO’s 
  • Encourage the taking of the You Can Play - Captain’s Pledge